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Father Vogel is the vocations director for the Diocese of Boise. Contact him if you have a question regarding your vocation.

More gentlemen of the millenial generation are answering God's call to be priests. Find out why in the NPR story, "At U.S. Seminarians, A Rise in Millennials Answering God's Call", by clicking here, or read about seminarians Nathan Dail and Nelson Cintra, studying to be priests in Idaho, below.

Nathan J. Dail

"We are made for only to love and to be loved and everything we do always has those two dynamics within them. And it's funny because because when we're younger we search for that love in our father and then a lot of us come from broken homes so then we look for that affirmation in our friends and we're going from group to group trying to be accepted trying to be a part of the crowd. And then we get a little older and we look for that affirmation and that love in a woman. You know and life just kind of goes on from there. But the priesthood is essentially about being called to a higher love. And that's exactly why I'm in the seminary now. For no other reason but to take this love that I've received ... only so that I can communicate that message that there is a higher love out there waiting for us. And that's why I invite you to come here too. To get a taste of that because there is no greater life than what we live."

Nelson Cintra

Nelson is studying pre-theology II at Mundelein seminary in Chicago, previously led by Fr. Robert Barron, the rector. He offers advice, through an interview by Salt and Light Radio Twin Falls, to those discerning.

"Pray, take the time to pray... Another thing is Trust. Trust is another element, a key of the Christian life. We have to trust God, we have to trust that God has created us out of love, for love and he is drawing us in a relationship of love. ... So we can trust that God's going to lead us to a path that going to fulfill us. If he asks something of us that is really hard. We can have the trust that it's going to be hard but he's going to give us the grace and we're going to be filled through it. And have the courage. It's hard to take the steps and go put one foot in front of the other. But have the courage that he's going to be there, he's already there waiting for you to take the next step."