Setting the Date and Time

All wedding arrangements need to be made in consultation with the wedding coordinator at least four (4) months prior to the intended date. Do not set a firm date or time without consulting with the priest/deacon and wedding coordinator first! We will do our best to give you the date and time you prefer, but that will not always be possible. Weddings may be celebrated any day of the week, except on Sundays. Saturday wedding times are 10 am and 1 pm.

The Wedding Coordinator

It is important to contact the parish Wedding Coordinator, Carol Amador as you begin planning the ceremony since she will direct many of the details. She will be available to take care of any logistical or liturgical questions or concerns you may have, and will be the person to coordinate your wedding with you and the minister officiating at your wedding. You can contact Carol by email at or by calling 208-466-7031 Ext. 4444


This is an opportunity for a Catholic to have their civil marriage recognized by the Catholic Church as a Sacrament. You will work with the wedding coordinator, Carol Amador, to fill out the paperwork and establish you and your spouse's freedom to marry. The ceremony can be as simple or elaborate as the couple wants.

Please contact us at least four (4) months in advance of your intended date.